
Gary’s passion for art began at an early age, when he first started drawing and exploring different mediums. In the 1970s, he pursued his love for art by studying fine art and graphic design at the college and university level, which laid the foundation for his successful career in abstract painting.

Over the years, Gary developed a unique style of painting that is rooted in his desire to capture the beauty and complexity of nature. By using natural forces such as forced air, vibration, gravity, water, and other chemicals, Gary creates a natural event on the canvas that is entirely organic, much like the intricate patterns found throughout the universe.

Despite taking a hiatus from painting to work as a graphic designer and website developer for 25 years, Gary never lost his passion for art. Upon returning to his career of painting, he picked up right where he left off, continuing to showcase his work in galleries across the Toronto and Kitchener area with great success.

Gary is an active member of the Greater Napanee Area Arts Association and the Belleville Art Association, having recently relocated to the area. He continues to paint and create stunning pieces of art that showcase his unique style and deep appreciation for the natural world. With each new painting, Gary invites viewers to join him on a journey of discovery and exploration, where the beauty of nature is brought to life in vibrant and unexpected ways.

Gary Barnett
132 County Rd. 8,
Napanee, Ontario
K7R 3C8

Mobile: 519-505-0468


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